Nós tínhamos estado em contato frequente com a rádio da Marinha na semana passada a trabalhar como um relé de rádio para MV SPITHA que tinham perdido a SSB e estava em sérios problemas perto do nosso local que tinha recebido sua'' pan pan-over VHF ...
Em Estrecho de Magellanes.
...the Chilean Navy sent out their high-seas rescue tugboat the LEU COTON to escort us to our destination in Bahia Wodsworth.
We had been in frequent radio contact with the Navy in the past week working as a radio relay for MV SPITHA which had lost their SSB and was in serious problems close to our location -- we had received their ''pan-pan'' over VHF... — em Estrecho de Magellanes.
We had been in frequent radio contact with the Navy in the past week working as a radio relay for MV SPITHA which had lost their SSB and was in serious problems close to our location -- we had received their ''pan-pan'' over VHF... — em Estrecho de Magellanes.
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