O companheiro e amigo próximo de deixar nós é Ira, que havia permanecido conosco a partir de Punta Arenas em nosso caminho para o Uruguai onde tínhamos planejado para transportar para fora do barco e também assumir nova tripulação.
Mas antes de chegar ao Uruguai tivemos uma parada de emergência em Mar del Plata, na Argentina desde a nossa engrenagem de direção tinha quebrado de novo ... a gente conseguiu encontrar uma oficina mecânica de pequeno porte que fez um trabalho muito superior do que o grande pátio comercial em Punta Arenas, que tive sorte ... não tem tanta sorte foi ver Ira sair para voltar para San Francisco ... alguns dias mais tarde, o barco reduzida a marinheiros seu núcleo
Tracy, Holger e Moana - fomos para o Rio de la Plata e rio acima para Piriápolis e nosso curso fora ...
Com Ira Epstein los Estrecho de Magallanes.
...the next sailing companion and friend to leave us is Ira, who had continued with us from Punta Arenas on our way to Uruguay -- where we had planned to haul out the boat and also take on new crew.
But before getting to Uruguay we had an emergency stop in Mar de Plata, Argentina since our steering gear had broken again...we succeeded in finding a small mechanic shop which did a far superior job than the large commercial yard in Punta Arenas, which was lucky...not so lucky was to see Ira leave to return to San Francisco...a few days later, the boat reduced to her core sailors -- Tracy, Holger and Moana -- we headed into the Rio de la Plata and up-river to Piriápolis and our haul-out... — com Ira Epstein em Estrecho de Magallanes.
But before getting to Uruguay we had an emergency stop in Mar de Plata, Argentina since our steering gear had broken again...we succeeded in finding a small mechanic shop which did a far superior job than the large commercial yard in Punta Arenas, which was lucky...not so lucky was to see Ira leave to return to San Francisco...a few days later, the boat reduced to her core sailors -- Tracy, Holger and Moana -- we headed into the Rio de la Plata and up-river to Piriápolis and our haul-out... — com Ira Epstein em Estrecho de Magallanes.
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